Our Services

Breast Surgery

SRMC Plastic Surgery offers life-enhancing treatments to help you look and feel your best. Breast surgery is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedure in the United States. Age, pregnancy, nursing, and weight gain or loss can all impact the size and shape of your breasts. Many women choose to have breast procedures performed to enhance the appearance of their breasts and improve their body image and self-confidence.

In addition, women facing the breast cancer journey often need some type of surgery performed as part of their treatment. Dr. Camp is leading SRMC’s breast cancer committee to ensure that area women will have local access to these advanced services, and she consults with cancer patients at the University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center at SRMC. There are different types of breast surgery that Dr. Camp performs for women facing breast cancer, including:

  • Breast-conserving surgery or mastectomy to remove as much of the cancer as possible. The goal of this surgery is to remove the cancer, as well as some of the surrounding normal tissue, depending on where and how big the tumor is and other factors.
  • To find out whether the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm. The two main types of surgery to remove lymph nodes are sentinel lymph node biopsy (removing only the lymph node(s) under the arm where the cancer may likely spread) or axillary lymph node dissection, in which more lymph nodes are removed (usually less than 20).
  • Breast reconstruction to rebuild the breast’s shape after the cancer is removed.
  • To relieve symptoms of advanced cancer.

Click on the links below to learn more about some of the most common breast procedures, how they are performed and what to expect.

• Tummy Tuck

Contact Us

To learn more about breast surgery or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Camp, call our office at 330-332-7383

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery involves the use of breast implants to enhance the size and shape of the breasts.

Why Consider Breast Augmentation?

The decision to have breast augmentation is highly personal, and women choose to undergo this procedure for a variety of reasons. Breast augmentation can balance the size of uneven breasts, improve breast fullness after pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss; and help create larger breasts to enhance self-image.

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

You may be a good candidate for breast augmentation if:

  • You are in good physical health
  • You don’t smoke
  • Your breasts have fully developed
  • One of your breasts is noticeably smaller than the other
  • Your breasts are sagging, flattened, elongated, or lacking adequate cleavage or volume
  • Your expectations of the surgery are realistic

During your consultation, Dr. Camp will discuss your needs and preferences with you, including the different types of implants and your optimal breast shape and size.

What to Expect

Breast augmentation is usually an outpatient procedure, typically performed under general anesthesia. The location of your incision will vary based on the type of implant used, your anatomy, and the desired outcome. After making an incision, Dr. Camp will insert the implant behind your breast, underneath your breast tissue and muscle. Your incision will be closed with stitches and bandaged with skin adhesive and surgical tape.

You’ll likely experience some soreness, swelling and bruising for about 2-3 weeks following your procedure. It may be recommended that you wear a compression bandage or sports bra for extra support and positioning of the implants while you heal. If you don’t have a physically demanding job, you may be able to return to work within a couple of weeks.

You will notice immediate changes after surgery, which will become more apparent after the swelling goes down. Though the results of breast augmentation are typically long-lasting, you’ll want to keep in mind that aging, weight fluctuations and other natural changes can modify the appearance of your breasts over time.

• Tummy Tuck

Breast Lift

A breast lift is a surgical technique used to raise your breasts by removing excess skin and tightening and reshaping the surrounding breast tissue.

Why Consider a Breast Lift?

As you age, your breasts begin to lose their elasticity and firmness. These changes can occur as a result of pregnancy, weight fluctuations and the effects of gravity. You might choose to have a breast lift to reduce sagging and raise the position of the nipples and breasts, giving you a more youthful profile.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Breast Lift?

You may be a good candidate for a breast lift if:

  • You are in good physical health
  • You don’t smoke
  • Your breasts sag – they've lost shape and volume, or they've gotten flatter and longer
  • Your nipples fall below your breast creases or point downward
  • Your areolae (dark area surrounding your nipples) have stretched out of proportion to your breasts
  • One of your breasts falls lower than the other

What to Expect

A breast lift is usually an outpatient procedure, typically performed under general anesthesia. The type of incision used will depend on your breast size and shape, the size and position of your areolas, the degree of sagging, your skin quality and elasticity, and the amount of extra skin. After the incision is made, Dr. Camp will remove excess breast skin, reshape your breast tissue and shift the nipples to a higher position. The procedure can also reduce the size of the areola, if necessary. Your incisions will be closed with stitches, surgical tape or skin adhesives.

After a breast lift, your breasts will be bandaged or placed in a surgical support bra. Your breasts will likely feel bruised, swollen and sore for a few weeks. You may also experience numbness in your nipples, areolae and breast skin; which should subside over time.

You will notice immediate changes after surgery, although the shape of your breasts will continue to settle over the next few months. Although the results of a breast lift are typically long-lasting, you’ll want to keep in mind that aging, weight fluctuations, and other natural changes can modify the appearance of your breasts over time.

• Tummy Tuck

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery removes excess fat, tissue and skin from the breasts to create balance and enhance the appearance of your breasts in proportion to your body.

Why Consider Breast Reduction Surgery?

Women with large breasts may choose to have breast reduction surgery to achieve a breast size proportionate to their body. Breast reduction surgery can also be used to help alleviate self-image issues and the chronic physical pain and discomfort associated with the weight of oversized breasts.

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Reduction?

You may be a good candidate for breast reduction surgery if:

  • You are in good physical health
  • You don’t smoke
  • You feel that your breasts are too large
  • You have breasts that limit your physical activity
  • You experience back, neck and shoulder pain caused by the weight of your breasts
  • You have shoulder indentations from bra straps
  • You have skin irritation beneath the breast crease
  • Your expectations of the surgery are realistic

What to Expect

Breast reduction surgery is usually an outpatient procedure, typically performed under general anesthesia. The surgical technique and incision used to reduce the size of your breasts can vary based on your individual condition, breast composition, and the amount of reduction desired. After the incision is made, Dr. Camp will remove excess breast tissue, fat and skin to reduce the size of each breast. She will then reshape the breasts, repositioning the nipple and areola as needed.

After breast reduction surgery, your breasts will be bandaged or placed in a gauze dressing. Thin, temporary drainage tubes may also be placed under each of your arms. You’ll likely experience some soreness, swelling and bruising, and you’ll need to limit your physical activity for about 2-4 weeks while your breasts heal.

You will notice immediate changes after surgery, which will become more apparent as the swelling goes down. Your new breast size should help to relieve the pain and physical limitations you experienced prior to surgery.

• Tummy Tuck

Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery (Male Breast Reduction) involves removing or reducing unwanted breast tissue in male patients.

Why Consider Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia is a condition of overdeveloped or enlarged breasts in men that can occur as a result of hormonal changes, heredity, obesity or the use of certain drugs. Men with this condition may choose to undergo surgery to reduce breast size and flatten and enhance the chest contours.

Am I a Good Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery candidates include males who:

  • Are in good physical health
  • Are non-smokers and non-drug users
  • Are unable to correct their condition through alternative medical treatments
  • Have a positive outlook and realistic expectations for improving the physical symptoms of gynecomastia
  • Have stabilized breast development
  • Are bothered by the feeling that their breasts are too large

What to Expect

Gynecomastia surgery is usually an outpatient procedure, typically performed under general anesthesia. In cases where gynecomastia is primarily the result of excess fatty tissue, liposuction techniques may be used. This requires insertion of a thin hollow tube, known as a cannula, through several small incisions. Excision techniques may be used when breast gland tissue or excess skin must be removed to correct gynecomastia. Excision is also necessary if the dark area of skin surrounding the nipple (areola) will be reduced or if the nipple will be repositioned to create a more natural male contour. In some cases, both liposuction and excision techniques will be used.

Following gynecomastia surgery, gauze or bandages will likely be applied to your incisions and a support garment may be used to minimize swelling and support your new chest contour as it heals after surgery. A thin, temporary drainage tube may also be placed under the skin. You will notice immediate changes after surgery, which will become more apparent after the swelling goes down. In most cases, the results of gynecomastia surgery are permanent.

• Tummy Tuck

What To Expect


Choosing to undergo cosmetic surgery is a deeply personal, and sometimes difficult, decision. When deciding if cosmetic surgery is right for you, you should consider the following:

  • Your Expectations. The ideal candidates for cosmetic surgery are individuals who have reasonable expectations for their procedure and are well-informed about the treatment options they are considering, including the potential results that may be achieved as well as the potential risks and benefits.
  • Recovery Time. Depending on the procedure, you may need time to recover from your cosmetic surgery, which can range from a few days to weeks or even months. You are encouraged to learn what to expect at every phase of your treatment and recovery process. This includes considering how your recovery time may impact your personal and professional life. It’s essential to plan well to allow yourself time to heal and to achieve optimal results.
  • Expense. Because cosmetic surgery is elective and not typically covered by most health insurance plans, you will probably need to pay out-of-pocket for your procedure(s). Financing options may be available. Please call our office at 330-332-7383 for more information.


One of the best ways to decide if cosmetic surgery is right for you is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Camp to discuss your expectations, goals, and any concerns you may have. During this time, Dr. Camp will:

  • Review your medical history and medications
  • Discuss your goals and expectations with you
  • Evaluate the part of your body you want to be treated and make recommendations
  • Talk about what’s involved in the procedure, including the risks and benefits and timeline for recovery
  • Answer any questions you may have

We encourage you to bring a list of questions to the consultation. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Camp, please call our office at 330-332-7383.


What Is the Difference Between Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery?

Cosmetic surgery is performed to enhance or change a healthy, normal, functioning part of the body to improve appearance or self-esteem. Because cosmetic surgery is an elective procedure, the cost is typically not covered by most health insurance plans.

Reconstructive surgery is performed to correct a physical abnormality caused by a birth defect, injury or medical condition; to improve physical function or achieve a more normal appearance. Reconstructive surgery is often covered by health insurance plans, though the level of coverage may vary by procedure.

What is Recovery from Cosmetic Surgery Like?

Recovery time depends on the procedure, and can range anywhere from a few days to weeks or even months. It’s important to note that every patient responds to pain differently, and Dr. Camp will prescribe the appropriate pain medications to help minimize your discomfort. You should follow the post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Camp to allow your body time to heal and to achieve optimal results.

How Long Will the Results of Cosmetic Surgery Last?

The long-term results of cosmetic surgery depend on the type of procedure performed, your age and your overall health. You should discuss your expectations for the outcome of your procedure during your pre-surgical consultation with Dr. Camp.

What Should I Know About the Safety of Cosmetic Surgery?

If you are considering cosmetic surgery, it’s important to be informed about the safety of your procedure and the expected results. Thousands of people undergo cosmetic surgery each year without complications. However, no surgical procedure is risk-free.

To reduce the risk of complications, you should inform Dr. Camp of your complete medical history, including any medications you take, prior to scheduling cosmetic surgery.

For enhanced safety, our patients can be assured that:

  • Dr. Camp is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery.
  • Salem Regional Medical Center, the hospital where your surgery will be performed, adheres to the highest national standards for safety and quality of care, which includes accreditation by The Joint Commission®.

Is My Procedure Covered By Insurance?

You should contact your insurance provider to verify the details of your plan’s coverage prior to your procedure. Cosmetic surgery is typically not covered by health insurance plans because it is elective. Many reconstructive procedures are covered by health insurance, although the level of coverage may vary.

Are Financing Options Available?

If the cost of your cosmetic procedure is not covered by your insurance plan, SRMC Plastic Surgery may offer some financing options. Please contact our office at 330-332-7383 for more information.

Our Services

Our providers are committed to helping you manage your health through a wide range of primary care services, including:

  • Annual physicals and routine wellness exams
  • Sick visits for acute illnesses (flu, sore throats, infections, etc.)
  • Preventative care, including screenings and healthy lifestyle counseling
  • Chronic disease diagnosis, monitoring and care for conditions such as asthma, high cholesterol, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure
  • Immunizations
  • Same day appointments are available during regular office hours for those with a variety of minor illnesses or injuries
Individuals with flu-like symptoms are asked to call in advance. Please note that COVID-19 testing will not be available at this office location.

Telehealth Visits

Patients of SRMC Primary Care practices can now see our providers online in the privacy of their own home by using the FollowMyHealth® Patient Portal. This telehealth service allows our patients to have a secure and easy way to receive care from their healthcare team in a live, virtual visit using a smartphone (iPhone or Android), tablet or computer.

Call your provider's office and ask to schedule a Telehealth Appointment. Click Here to learn more.

Telehealth (Virtual) Visits

Talk with a provider from the privacy of your home with the patient portal. Click Here to learn more.
Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Same day appointments are available during regular office hours for those with a variety of minor illnesses or injuries.
If you require urgent assistance after regular office hours, please call Salem Regional Medical Center’s switchboard operator at 330-332-1551, to page the provider on call.
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency department